What's Local?

We like to see ourselves as a local company - being local and keeping things local are important to us. We use a local designer for our artwork, a printer based in Carlisle, and our bottling plant is based 9 miles away from us. Although we source our hops and malt from further afield, we want to be able to use as much local talent as we can. We were really chuffed recently to be taken on as a supplier by Pioneer. Anyone based around here will recognise the Pioneer vans when they're out and about - they are a very supportive company and especially proud of promoting local producers. We're looking forward to working them, getting our bottled beer out to more local outlets and expanding the ease at which you can get hold of our beer. 

It has made me think though - what do you consider to be local? Is it just your town or city and the villages round and about, is it just the part of the county you come from or do you consider all of your county and surrounding borders to be local? Cumbria can be an odd place at times - North, West and South Cumbria all have their own dialects, customs and views. Being divided by mountains, rivers and large bodies of water has an effect on how we view each other and sometimes not for the best - but I guess we're like any family, anyone from outside criticises and we'll close ranks and support each other.  It's interesting from a brewing point of view though - does a pub in Kendal or Whitehaven still see a beer from Carlisle as local? Does it depend on their customers - regulars or visitors? Be interested to know your views!!!!